
The winners in the ecommerce arena are going to be those online stores that make it easy for customers to buy. E-retailer encompasses a uniquely intuitive user interface which invites you to make a purchase.

There is no need to compromise your brand identity or the way you want to present your products.

With powerful tools to create and manage online campaigns and product offers, you will be able to turn website visitors into loyal online customers time and time again. E-retailer is a complete E-commerce solution that scales up to your highest projections and lets you focus on creating a winning online brand rather than technology.

Gaining a leading edge
E-retailer has a uniquely streamlined basket handling and secure ordering process which is like "a breath of fresh air" for the online shoppers. Effective search and custom display for each product type offer the best in customer service, making e-retailer a perfect fit for specialist retail chains, department stores and mail order businesses. Having your online store seamlessly integrating with your informational web site makes sure that you will not loose any opportunity to close the sale.

Building your online store with e-retailer offers a solid and proven solution that allows you to focus on building effective marketing campaigns for your e-commerce site.

The modular approach lets you start trading online and generating revenue immediately, which significantly shortens the financial payback period. More importantly, being on the fast track in online sales means you are staying ahead of the competition.

Creating a megastore
Joint marketing campaigns with other sites and affiliate programs are instrumental in building a powerbrand online. E-retailer allows you to easily build promotional campaigns that your affiliates can link to whilst automatically generated reports let you monitor the effectiveness of each campaign in real time.

Integrated customer service
E-retailer is a complete e-commerce solution that lets you realise the full potential for building customer relationships online. It equips your online representatives with easy to use and powerful tools to efficiently communicate with your customers. Built in customer surveys which can be modified easily allow you to quickly respond to the ever changing market requirements.

Your strategy
The key issues for anyone making a decision on the future of their ecommerce strategy are what part of the total revenue is going to be derived from online sales and what makes your online store competitive against other online stores.

Preparation for e-retailer
In addition to selecting software, you need to consider how you are going to organise and budget for :-

When selecting ecommerce software you need to ask yourself how quickly does it help you to start fulfilling web orders, what investments are required to scale it up both in hardware and in recurring licencing costs, what will the cost of integrating to your existing web site be, what skills are required to maintain the site and can that be done inhouse or by your existing web design company?
When your site becomes a top tier shopping site, you also need to consider what investment is required for connectivity.

E-retailer supports the use of server hosting close to the backbone, another significant advantage for high volume sites.

This page was printed from Smart Media(R) website at http://www.smartmedia.com/

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