Why you need an intranet?

Fortunately you rarely face this question today. Intranets are seen as essentials in the workplace - however, we have still come across a few organisations that do not have an intranet, or at least not what employees perceive to be one.

However, organisations do need to continually re-evaluate the tools they use and if they are used in the most effective way. At Smart Media we have promoted intranets as a business tool from the outset - not just as a communication tool or information repository, but a place where things get done.

It seems that finally the rest of the industry has woken up to this ethos. With ever increasing competitive pressures on organisations, having an intranet that includes business process tools is more vital than ever.

Today's question is more 'Is there an alternative to SharePoint?' - for sure there is - Intelligent Intranet so much more than a portal.

  • Effective training management and delivery saves time and money.
  • Up-to-date information and communication helps everyone to make better decisions.
  • Consolidate disparate spreadsheet systems into a 'proper' database to gain one version of the truth.
  • Essential tool that helps implementing corporate governance initiatives.
  • Saves time in locating documents, which means less need to be recreated from scratch.
  • Helps achieving and maintaining quality accreditation.
  • Essential tool in ensuring compliance with Health & Safety and Employment legislation.
  • Greatly helps in people management because routine matters such as timesheets, meeting room bookings, attendance, holidays and any company policies can be communicated and reminded automatically.
  • Reduces email pollution
  • More effective use of IT resources
  • Speeds up implementation of any subsequent new software, policies and procedures
  • Improved team work across multiple sites.
  • Built-in digital assets library and location database are just examples of other tangible gains when selecting Intelligent Intranet

Ready to get in touch? Give us a call on +44 (0)1256 346454 to discuss how your intranet can be upgraded to Intelligent Intranet, or fill in the contact form here.