Feature overview
- Unlimited number of products with central maintenance
- Unlimited number of categories and levels
- Each product category can have unique attributes that you define
- Product variants to support different colours or sizes for example
- Display templates for each category to match your business needs
- Ability to classify and display products under more than one category, yet details are maintained only once.
- Integrated content management tools allow you to constantly highlight the latest developments in category overviews
- Product variants allow main attributes to be defined once, then different part numbers and prices can be allocated to each variant
- You can also store hidden attributes for internal or administrator use only
- Browser based maintenance
- You can link to web pages, pdfs or even videos containing additional product information
- Product relations allow you to define compatibility or alternative relations between products
- Cross-reference other systems via multiple product identifiers/part numbers
- Each product line or division can have their own presentation logic and category rules
- Maintenance of product categories, attributes and relations is separate from display logic
- Customisable web front-end
- Ability to define which product attributes are searchable
- Based on industrial strength relational database for scalability and open standards
Flexible category management
- Unlimited number of categories and levels
- Different product attributes for each level
- Ability to map products to more than one category
- Ability to define searchable attributes per category.