
Good usability means reduced training costs, ease of roll-out and active users.

Usability is a key factor in the uptake and utilisation of any software application, both within an organisation and any front-end available to its customers.

Usability is more than graphic design. It is about ease of use, intuitiveness, and consistency. It is about clear and consistent navigation. It is about a good use of screen space and focus on content. For a content management system, it is also about ease of publishing and low maintenance. For an intranet based business application it is about speed of access - perceived and real - and 100% availability.

It is also about adaptation to different network environments and support for multiple browsers and devices.

Smart Media demonstrates unique skills in combining the functional usability with appealing graphic design that reflect your brand identity.

We apply specific usability testing procedures, such as end-user test case scenarios and initial reaction assessments.

Our holistic approach to usability ensures that the software meets its functional and business objectives and creates end-user satisfaction.