September, 09 2016

Over a million clicks for the environmental law portal

Do you ever wonder what you can do if your neighbours are noisy? What are your legal rights? Or do you wish there was something other than cursing you could do after stepping into a pile of dog ‘you know what’ on a footpath?

These are real examples of the questions that get the UK web users searching for answers.

UK Environmental Law Association has compiled an environmental portal ‘Law and your environment’ at with the help of Cardiff University to explain many common aspects of the environmental law in easy to understand language and making sure you have clear links to the relevant legislative document.

By July 2016, more than a million clicks have been received for an adwords campaign promoting the site, with 'Noisy neighbours law' ad topping with a click-through-rate (CTR) of 11.46%.

Top areas of interest (roughly in this order)

  • Planning laws
  • Waste
  • Public rights of way
  • Climate change
  • Environmental laws and information
  • Noisy neighbours
  • Dog mess
  • Fly tipping
  • Water pollution and water quality standards
  • Flooding
With the careful management of the keywords and negative keywords, we avoid wasting the budget on clicks where the user is really wanting to find their local planning applications (information provided by the council or government planning portal) or their next waste collection service – rather than legal information.

If you need help or advice how to best manage your Google Adwords campaign, contact Smart Media.
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Posted by Johanna Leppanen at 13:01
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